April 15, 2010

I'm A Christian, Damn It

If you've read any of my past blog posts, you'll notice straight away that I swear...a lot.  None of the big ones mind you but certainly enough of the lesser evils to make up for that fact.  Which brings up the question, are Christians even allowed to cuss?  Which, of course, brings up a whole slew of other questions, the most important being (to me anyway), what makes a Christian a Christian?  Are they someone who goes to church every Sunday, brushes their teeth 3 times a day, and always but always eats all their vegetables? Maybe, but I'm betting we all know people who do those things and we still wouldn't classify them in such a manner.  And therein lies the real problem. My perception of another person's character may not be the same as yours which may not be the same as someone else's, which may not be the same as God's.  And whose opinion out of all that crowd do you think matters the most? 

So where does that leave us? Oh right, in the middle of a rambling blog post about swearing.  For me, what it comes down to is this:  It's not my job to judge....I have enough to do trying to get myself straightened up and back on the right path.  Is this just a self-serving view point so I can feel better about my spiritual well being?  I sure hope not.  But, I guess if it is, He'll let me know because I truly want do better.....want to be a better person.  But, I don't want to get so caught up in all the little things that I can't see the big picture.  And of course, I don't want to get so caught up in the big picture that I miss the little things. 

Confusing?  Actually no, not to me.  But even if it is, there's one thing I am certain about.  God:  he's one hell of a guy.

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