April 18, 2010

What Would Jesus Do?

I'm not sure what Jesus would do. I have a good idea of what he wouldn't do. 

  • He wouldn't spend all his free time on Facebook worrying more about taking care of his virtual characters than the friends and family he has in the real world.
  • He wouldn't spend his conversations just waiting for his turn to speak instead of actually listening to the other person.
  • He wouldn't sit around waiting for friends to check on him...he'd be too busy seeing how they're doing.
  • He wouldn't sit inside on a beautiful sunny day watching Lifetime movies and crying like a little girl.
The one thing I do know Jesus would do and did do everyday of his life:  He did what he knew was right.  And though my moral compass is nowhere near as good as his, I can at least try to do what I think is right every day.  And even if I'm wrong more than I'm right, I can keep trying...and hoping.

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