I've been feeling fairly lost these past few days...well more than usual...and wondering what I'm supposed to do, where I'm supposed to go, and if God's trying to talk me but maybe I'm simply not listening hard enough. Cut to about 6:00 this morning when I'm awakened to sound of a voice telling me "God doesn't want you to hide your light. He wants you to share it with the world." No, it wasn't the Almighty come down from heaven to wake me up...not literally anyway. I had fallen asleep with my TV set on one of those stations that airs Christian shows during the early morning hours. The voice I heard was that of a female pastor, but it may very well have been that of God too. You never know how he might choose to speak to us. Don't hide your light. Simple yet scary instructions, yet I know in my heart it's true.
I've worked from home for the past several years and each day it's become easier and easier to withdraw from the life around me. I participate but I don't engage..kind of like a sleepwalker who jolts awake every so often but never long enough to contribute anything of themselves to reality. I'm terrified and I'm ready all at the same time to make this change. I think I have something to offer and apparently God does too. This is my leap of faith.....look out below....
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